So much more than just a physical, our comprehensive examinations are extensive and thorough regardless of whether the visit is related to an injury or illness, or just a typical annual vaccination update. We extend the same courtesy and concern for your pets as we would our own!

In addition to our large treatment area, we separately house a sterile, high-tech, 2-tabled surgical suite!

This renders us easily capable of performing a wide array of extensive surgical and anesthetic procedures, including (but not limited to):
·Dental Cleaning & Extraction
·Spay, Neuter & Vasectomy
·Mass Removals of all Types
·Exploratory Surgery
·Cruciate Ligament Repair
·Femoral Hip Osteotomy
·Patellar Luxation Repair
·Biopsies & Diagnostics
·Foreign Body Removal
·Ear Hematoma Repair
·Sedated Ear/Nasal Flushes
·3rd Eyelid Tacking
·Ocular Enucleation
Surgical Procedures
Dental Procedures

With our high-tech digital radiography, ultrasound and laboratory equipment, we can provide precise, swift and effective diagnoses same day. In addition to our in-house capabilities, we are also privy to a vast network of outside laboratories rendering us able to arrange for the most accurate assessments and treatment.

Digital Radiography
Ultrasound Imaging